I Remembered a Couple of Important Things That I had Forgotten…

I have many fond childhood memories of the 4th of July and how my family celebrated the holiday. So this last weekend, I decided to write a blog post sharing those memories.

Now usually when I write a blog post, I think about how it strategically fits into my goals. I ponder all the possibilities of what could be included in the piece and often end up unsatisfied with the final product. Consequently, I have not been a consistent blogger.

But from the start of the process I felt different about the 4th of July memories blog post. I simply started writing and was pleasantly surprised how well the memories flowed. Then I rewrote the post and published it. I’m pleased with how the piece turned out and that it’s the most-read blog post I’ve had in over three years!

As I reflected on the experience, I remembered one of the important things I had forgotten: I am passionate about writing! But wait there’s more…

Last night, I was reading a book and the author pointed out the importance of mindset in what we do. That comment really resonated with me as changing my mindset has helped me do wonderful things in my life. Almost three years ago I switched to a Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) Cruelty Free lifestyle and have lost 120 lbs and have the best health numbers of my life.

What made this new lifestyle work was a change in my mindset. I realized that I GET TO take better care of myself. I’ve used that same mindset change in other aspects of my life but had lost sight of that reality in a very key way.

Well consistency is a process and not an event and last night I remembered the other important thing I had forgotten: I GET to pursue my passions!

For example, I GET TO share my books and the stories behind them. I GET TO pass along ideas and resources that I find and to connect people. I GET TO to learn and to teach whether I’m writing something, tutoring a student or coaching a client. For me, I GET TO is much more energizing than I HAVE TO!

But since actions speak louder than words, I’m going to end this post by inviting you to stay tuned as more will be revealed in future posts and other writings! 🙂


Jane Freund is an author, coach, tutor and entrepreneur. Her books can be found at JaneFreundBooks (15-25% OFF retail price), Amazon (print and e-book), Smashwords and Audible (with other sources to come). CLICK HERE for more information on Jane’s products and services

Previously, Jane taught Communication for 10 years at Boise State University. You can follow Jane’s blog at https://janefreundship.wordpress.com.

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