Tag Archives: Massachusetts

SPREADING KINDNESS #1 – Look What These Neighbors Did For the Sake of a Two Year-Old Girl

Connecting with a child can be challenging and even more so when the child is facing his/her own challenge. Such is the case for 2 year-old Samantha. However, those in her Newton, Massachusetts neighborhood didn’t see a hurdle but rather an opportunity.

Here’s a video telling this very sweet story of Spreading Kindness: https://youtu.be/kSCjdyFqq28

Feel free to share this blog post to spread some kindness yourself. Thanks very much and have a great day!

Jane Freund (jane@freundship.com) is an author, speaker, book coachcommunication coach and tutor. Her books can be found at JaneFreundBooks (15-25% OFF retail price), Amazon (print and e-book), Smashwords and Audible (with other sources to come).

Also, Jane LOVES puns!! Connect with her at https://www.facebook.com/janefreundauthorspeakerandbookcoach/ to see her daily puns and other posts!

Previously, Jane taught Communication for 10 years at Boise State University. You can follow Jane’s blog at https://janefreundship.wordpress.com